Alternative Works

My Alternative Works portfolio consists of three types of projects — promotional, unseen and unpublished.

Promotional work is seasonal or personal work I share on social media. Unseen projects are ones completed for clients that aren’t displayed on my primary website at Public Image Design. I have a massive archive of work and only show fresh and popular projects there.

The amount of unpublished design I’ve produced is extensive. For any given assignment I develop multiple solutions. Sometimes the best version is obvious. Often the final selection is difficult. Which means some great work gets buried on my hard drive. I’m still digging through to find more to you here.

Alternative Works is also about unexpected solutions. Ones that push boundaries and threaten comfort. As a designer, these are often hard concepts to sell. They surprise and create the opportunity to stand out. Very few marketers are fearless. But some understand the greatest reward often follows the greatest risk. 

Principal Designer at Public Image Design.

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